Company Name: MBL-Europe
Company website:
Contact Person: Tobias Lütke Zutelgte
Phone Number: +49258266990

Material handling, Blending, Lifting and Cleaning for the pharmaceutical industry – made in Germany.
Specialised is partly individualised process solution for the Oral Solid Dosage and pharmaceutical industry.
The customers need in focus, we provide solutions tailored to the process based on our pre defined modules.
From stainless steel IBCs over Material Handling as weighing and sieving we offer stationary and mobile lifter.
Our Process Solutions i.e. powder blender are available for IBCs and drums.
To clean your bins and ibc we offer a range of pharmaceutical washing solutions. You can choose from mobile high pressure unit for manual cleaning or connection to washing hoist. Or high end fully automated two chamber washing solutions with connection to your MES System.
Of course we can clean parts as well. With the standardized Pharmaceutical Part Washer 800 or 1300, you have a flexible state of the art validated washing system.

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